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Category: Verizon

Information about Verizon make-ready in Charlemont.

Verizon Make-Ready Complete!

Finishing roughly seven weeks ahead of schedule, Verizon has now licensed the use of the utility poles on all seventeen applications to Charlemont’s municipal network! This completion accelerates the next steps in the process: the inspection and remediation of the make-ready work and the relocation of the state’s MBI 1-2-3 middle-mile network fiber.

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2020.11.01 Select Board Update

Charlemont Municipal Fiber Network
Select Board Status Report
November 1, 2020

Verizon has now approved 14 licenses (out of 17), with just a few poles left on the other applications. This remains the main schedule driver. We will start the construction of the distribution network as soon as possible; our conservative estimate is April 1, 2021. We have completed all path preparation projects except Warner Hill Road, which should be complete in November. Construction of the network equipment room is complete; electronics could start being installed later this year. The project remains on budget. The first tranche of town borrowing for $500,000 is expected to close on November 10, 2020.

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2020.08.30 Select Board Update

Charlemont Municipal Fiber Network
Selectboard Status Report
August 30, 2020


Verizon has approved two licenses (out of 17) but the estimated final completion date is still December 31, 2020. This is the main schedule driver. Based on this date, we anticipate starting construction of the distribution network in April, 2021. We are working to complete several “path preparation” projects:  Heath Stage Terrace is complete. National Grid was granted approval to install new utility poles along Hawk Hill Road, eliminating the need for the town to install underground conduit there. The new utility poles have been installed along Tower Road; tree trimming is being scheduled. Design adjustments on Warner Hill require a pole hearing which is scheduled for September 8. Construction of the network equipment room is complete; electronics could start being installed later this year. So far, the project remains on budget. We are anticipating the first tranche of town borrowing in September, 2020.

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Verizon Make-Ready Quietly Continues

Verizon crews were spotted on Mountain Road this week doing make-ready work! Although Verizon has not officially “mobilized” crews in Charlemont, they have been spotted occasionally doing some make-ready work as their schedules permit. Every little bit helps! Any acceleration of Verizon’s make-ready schedule, currently expected to be complete at the end of 2020, would directly impact the overall timeline for completion of our municipal fiber network.

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