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Category: Warner Hill Road

Information about Charlemont Connect activities related to Warner Hill Road.

Warner Hill Road Path Preparation Complete!

Danek Excavating and Burke Electric have completed the path preparation make-ready on Warner Hill Road! Underground conduit and two utility poles have been installed on a section of the road to allow the municipal fiber network to bypass a difficult to maintain section of aerial utilities that provides electrical and phone service to residents through the town of Heath.

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2020.11.01 Select Board Update

Charlemont Municipal Fiber Network
Select Board Status Report
November 1, 2020

Verizon has now approved 14 licenses (out of 17), with just a few poles left on the other applications. This remains the main schedule driver. We will start the construction of the distribution network as soon as possible; our conservative estimate is April 1, 2021. We have completed all path preparation projects except Warner Hill Road, which should be complete in November. Construction of the network equipment room is complete; electronics could start being installed later this year. The project remains on budget. The first tranche of town borrowing for $500,000 is expected to close on November 10, 2020.

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Burke Electric Selected for Warner Hill Utility Pole Installations

Charlemont’s Highway Department dug some test holes that uncovered ledge at the proposed pole locations on Warner Hill Rd. Our partners, Westfield Gas & Electric (WG&E), selected Burke Electric because they have the experience and needed equipment for setting utility poles in areas with ledge.

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Warner Hill Road Poles Supported By Select Board and Residents

The underground utility path on Warner Hill Road is being modified with resident, Highway Superintendent, Broadband Committee, and Select Board support. Concerns about the originally designed fully underground solution are being addressed by adding two new utility poles. Danek Excavating is expected to complete the work in late summer and early fall.

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2020.08.30 Select Board Update

Charlemont Municipal Fiber Network
Selectboard Status Report
August 30, 2020


Verizon has approved two licenses (out of 17) but the estimated final completion date is still December 31, 2020. This is the main schedule driver. Based on this date, we anticipate starting construction of the distribution network in April, 2021. We are working to complete several “path preparation” projects:  Heath Stage Terrace is complete. National Grid was granted approval to install new utility poles along Hawk Hill Road, eliminating the need for the town to install underground conduit there. The new utility poles have been installed along Tower Road; tree trimming is being scheduled. Design adjustments on Warner Hill require a pole hearing which is scheduled for September 8. Construction of the network equipment room is complete; electronics could start being installed later this year. So far, the project remains on budget. We are anticipating the first tranche of town borrowing in September, 2020.

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Warner Hill Road Path Preparation Project Kicks Off

Tom Danek of Danek Excavating met on-site with Charlemont’s Highway Superintendent, Gordon Hathaway, and Broadband Chair, Bob Handsaker to discuss the installation path of new conduit on a section of Warner Hill Road. This early communication will support the future maintenance of both the roadway and the municipal broadband network.

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Path Preparation Procurement Public!

Working with our partners Westfield Gas and Electric (WG&E) and delayed by pandemic response, Charlemont has published the procurement package for installing conduit in special situations where aerial utility lines do not currently exist. Bids to be opened on May 22, 2020, with a pre-bid conference on May 8. The award is expected in June. Bid package for 20-03H Charlemont MLP Underground Conduit Installation is available by request at

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