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Distribution Network Procurement Being Finalized

Working with our partners, Westfield Gas & Electric (WG&E), Charlemont is finalizing the procurement documents to select the construction firm to build our distribution network. This important milestone is expected to be completed by the end of February.

The distribution network is the municipal fiber that runs along each road in town. There will be a separate contract for our “drops”, which connect the distribution network to a home or business location.

An important element of our procurement package is the final design for the network. We are working with WG&E to update our October 2018 design to add additional fiber “slack loops” at our bridge locations to accommodate future repairs, rerouting the fiber paths to cross the railroad tracks only at public ways, and to make approved changes for Warner Hill Rd., Hawk Hill Rd. and Heath Stage Terrace.

Charlemont will receive the next traunch of state grant funding upon the selection of a construction firm.