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Make-Ready and Mud Season Mix

Last updated on July 29, 2020

As National Grid has been proceeding with make-ready throughout Charlemont, mud season has made an appearance in the hilltowns making for some difficult road conditions on the unpaved roads.

Our Highway Superintendent, Gordon Hathaway, has been in touch with the Select Board to highlight the damage to these roads and this has been raised with National Grid. Some information provided indicates that National Grid will try to work in these unpaved areas when the temperature hardens the road sufficiently or the roads dry out.

If possible, National Grid will continue make-ready on the paved roads when the unpaved sections are not accessible. If continued, uninterrupted work is not possible, National Grid may suspend make-ready and redeploy crews to other locations until Charlemont’s work can continue, which could make for a significant delay in completing the municipal fiber network.