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Progress On Verizon Make-Ready!

Last updated on July 29, 2020

Although Verizon’s make-ready is not officially underway, the company is working in select areas of Charlemont as time allows. Recently Verizon has approved one more of our utility pole licenses ahead of schedule! Because this pole preparation work is driving the overall timeline for the municipal fiber network, completing this make-ready ahead of schedule is the best way to speed up the delivery of service.

While the estimated final completion date remains December 31, 2020, our state legislators, officials from the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, and municipal broadband leaders continue to work with Verizon to reduce their make-ready timeline. Accelerating the completion of our 1-gigabit symmetrical fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network service will help citizens meet the distance learning and remote work demands necessitated by the coronavirus response.