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Special Town Meeting Updates and Resources

Last updated on June 23, 2021

The Town of Charlemont will hold a Special Town Meeting at Hawlemont Regional Elementary School on Saturday, November 14, 2020, at 6 PM. There are two warrant articles related to the municipal fiber network before voters to set up the accounting structure. In preparation for this meeting, you will find, attached, an overview of the status of the network and an expanded proforma budget for network operations.

The Charlemont Broadband Committee has also prepared a summary of the overall project status as of November 12. This special town meeting comes at a time of rapid progress for the project! You will find this document here:

The expanded proforma budget has a simplified operating budget to cover the first few months of service expected in this fiscal year on one side, and the other side has a more detailed budget covering the first full year of operations in FY 2022. You will find this document here:

Many residents have asked about the process of connecting homes and businesses to the network as we begin our distribution network buildout. Our working ‘Drop Policy’ is outlined in the Charlemont Connect Residential Service Connection and Installation Policy, which can be viewed here:

There is also a tool available to look up your estimated installation costs based on your address. If your address is not found, please contact CharlemontConnect. We want to make sure all premises are represented in our design. The lookup tool is available here: