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We’ve Been Working Around the Railroad

Last updated on July 29, 2020

Charlemont is modifying some small portions of the distribution network design to avoid some expensive railroad track crossings to make it cheaper to operate the fiber network.

Working with Westfield Gas & Electric (WG+E) and Massachusett’s Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED) we are revising our distribution network design to avoid non-public-way railroad crossings. Our initial design had four such crossings (Long Bridge, Tower Road, South River Road, and service to one West Hawley Road premises). These non-public-way crossings would require us to pay expensive annual lease fees to the railroad.

We now have plans in place to avoid or relocate three of these four crossings and we are evaluating cost-effective options for the fourth crossing. As part of this rerouting, we will apply to install 8 new town-owned utility poles for the fiber along a section of Tower Road. This will result in substantial long-term savings to the town.