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When will the service be available at my house?

Last updated on September 9, 2021

Whip City Fiber customers in Charlemont’s FSA 01 can expect installations beginning in July with the other FSAs (Fiber Service Areas) coming online in roughly 2-month intervals in the following order FSA 05, FSA 04, FSA 02, FSA 03. Residents and businesses should sign-up to schedule an installation and take advantage of the town subsidy of up to $1400 available through the network construction period. A sample board showing the equipment that will be installed to provide service is on display in the window of Avery’s Store and a virtual information session is planned to answer your questions.

FSAs are determined by the fiber paths which generally follow the electrical utility service paths. The center of town near the town hall is tricky. If you have questions about which FSA a location is in, please use the lookup tool if you are on a computer or call Charlemont Connect at ‪(413) 337-1199‬ or Whip City FIber at (413) 485-1251.

FSA 01: Village west of the town hall and convenience store west to Zoar Outdoor, including Warfield Road, Riddell Road, High Street. East Hawley Road and South River Road.

FSA 05: East end of the village, starting at 171 Main Street and the Federated church east through Avery Brook Road and the Red Rose motel. Includes Burrington Road and the south end of Mountain Road.

FSA 04: East Charlemont, including East and West Oxbow Roads, Hawk Hill, North River Road. Everything north of the river and east of FSA05.

FSA 02: Locations west of Zoar Outdoor, including Legate Hill, Zoar Road, Tower Road, West Hawley Road, and the north end of Maxwell Road.

FSA 03: Route 8A North, Warner Hill, Vincent Road, Mountain Road, South Heath Road, and the south end of Maxwell Road. Includes some locations on Main Street in the village center near the town hall.

A big thank you to the employee-owners of Avery’s Store for making the display space available to introduce the service to the community!