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Category: Drops

Focus On Underground Sign Ups for April

Does your home or business have underground utilities or some combination of underground and overhead lines? Over 28% of all Charlemont locations fall into this category and well over half of these locations have not yet subscribed for service! Throughout the month of April, volunteers will be reaching out to owners and occupants of homes and businesses served with underground utilities to encourage sign-ups with Whip City Fiber, Charlemont’s selected service provider. These exterior installations must be done in the warmer months and have a multistep installation process.

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What does an exterior fiber installation involve?

Charlemont’s municipal fiber network requires a one-time installation to connect your home or business to the world-class gigabit internet service provided by our partners Whip City Fiber (WCF). The details of the exterior installation and its costs are different for each location. Charlemont is offering up to $1,400 in installation subsidies during the limited network construction period when you sign up for a year of service. Sign up today!

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2021.03.07 Select Board Update

Charlemont Municipal Fiber Network
Selectboard Status Report
March 7, 2021

Network construction is underway and the essential work in the village center has been completed to alleviate conflicts with the DOT traffic calming project, which will be resuming soon. The subscription website is operational and we are encouraging all residents to sign up so that WhipCityFiber can plan the installation schedule for the summer. There will be a virtual information session on March 16. Sign-ups are currently at 20%, mostly through word-of-mouth. The project remains on budget. WhipCityFiber is recommending a “safe” schedule with FSA01 (the first fiber service area) lighting up in July and the other FSAs following at two-month intervals. The town is working with WGE and TriWire to try to accelerate this schedule if possible. Currently, the lack of fiber splicing and testing crews seems to be the bottleneck.

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When will the service be available at my house?

Whip City Fiber customers in Charlemont’s FSA 01 can expect installations beginning in July with the other FSAs (Fiber Service Areas) coming online in roughly 2-month intervals in the following order FSA 05, FSA 04, FSA 02, FSA 03. Residents and businesses should sign-up to schedule an installation and take advantage of the town subsidy of up to $1400 available through the network construction period. A sample board showing the equipment that will be installed to provide service is on display in the window of Avery’s Store and a virtual information session is planned to answer your questions.

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Network Construction Updates and Drop Resources

Daily construction updates are posted on both the Charlemont Connect website and the home page of the Town of Charlemont website. These indicate where the fiber crews are working on any given day and how many two-person crews are active. Charlemont Connect also offers resources to look up your FSA location, get an estimate of the cost to connect your home or business, and confirm the details of your installation type.

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