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Town Hall Exterior Conduit Excavation and Installation RFQ Available

Last updated on September 10, 2019

The Town of Charlemont will accept price quotes for the excavation/ installation of broadband conduit on the exterior of the Charlemont Town Hall.

Price Quote should be marked “ TOWN HALL EXTERIOR EXCAVATION/ CONDUIT INSTALLATION ” and will be received by the Charlemont Broadband Committee, 157 Main St., P.O. Box 677, Charlemont, MA 01339 until September 23, 2019, at 2 pm. Quotes may be emailed.

A pre-bid site visit can be scheduled with the broadband committee.

Wage rates for this bid are subject to prevailing wage rates as per MGL Chapter 149, Section 26 – 27f inclusive.

RFQ-20190923-CHARLEMONT-TOWN-HALL-EXTERIOR (updated to include bid sheet)